
How Teeth Whitening Can Improve Your Smile

Professional teeth whitening treatments are an effective and fast way to give your smile a boost. However, the ease and convenience of teeth whiteningteeth whitening may make you believe that you should have treatments more often than necessary. Learn about teeth whitening with Dr. Richard Lee-Shanok at Newmarket Dentistry in Newmarket, ON.

How does teeth whitening work? 
The teeth whitening process takes advantage of the chemical reactions between the whitening gel placed onto your teeth and their stains or discolorations. The process breaks up the molecular bonds holding the stains together, causing them to dissipate and create a whiter appearance. A full teeth whitening treatment takes around an hour and can provide drastic results.

Can I whiten my teeth too often? 
While teeth whitening can benefit most patients who wish to improve the appearance of their smile, too many whitening treatments in too short of time can cause some unpleasant side effects. Whitening too often can cause tooth sensitivity and root damage, which can, in turn, affect your dental health. The teeth can also begin to appear chalky or you may start seeing white spots. Most patients find that having teeth whitening procedures performed by their dentist once or twice a year are enough to keep their teeth’s appearance bright.

Professional Teeth Whitening in Newmarket, ON
While you can get at-home whitening kits from most drug stores, their results take weeks or months of continued use to become apparent. A professional, in-office teeth whitening session performed by your dentist can lift the color of your teeth up to ten shades in only an hour. Work with your dentist to determine the best teeth whitening strength and schedule for you and your smile.

For more information on teeth whitening, please contact Dr. Lee-Shanok at Newmarket Dentistry in Newmarket, ON. Call (905) 830-1010 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Lee-Shanok today!

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How Teeth Whitening Can Improve Your Smile